Tensens Cleaning Supplies |
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Weight: 0.085
Ettore Golden Glove S tuff Mircofibre Wash Cover 10in 25cm, 14in 35cm, 18in 45cm and 22in 55cm
Purchase T-Bar Seperately - not included
Frequently Asked Questions;
What basic equipment do I need to clean windows?
We suggest a Window Washer with Cover (T-Bar), Window Squeegee, Window Bucket, Neutral Detergent (like Dishwashing Liquid or specialised window solution) and a cloth (preferably microfibre). If you are doing larger windows, then an extension pole is also recommended. Or, for Super Value for Money and have no existing equipment, buy the Ettore Super System Window Kit as it includes a Free Training DVD.
What Window Cleaning Brands / Equipment do we sell?
We sell Ettore (High End Domestic & Professional), Pulex (Domestic & Professional) and Unger (High End Domestic & Professional)
How do I clean windows?
Add detergent to Window Cleaning Bucket, Wash with T-Bar Washer, Squeegee Clean & wipe access liquid with a cloth. Training Clips will be added Soon!